
[2024]. Lucas Fagen & Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal. Just cumulative predicates get a sufficiency reading. Poster presented at SuB 29. poster

[2024]. Lucas Fagen & Ming Xiang. Pronominal and reflexive resolution in noncomplementary environments. Talk presented at LSA 98. slides

[2023]. Lucas Fagen. Numerals are doubly bounded: evidence from exclusives and polarity. Talk presented at NELS 53. slides

[2023]. Lucas Fagen & Eszter Ronai. Testing variation across exclusive modifiers. Talk presented at LSA 97. slides

[2022]. Lucas Fagen. A scalar analysis of polarity contrasts between exclusive modifiers. Talk presented at the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. slides

[2022]. Eszter Ronai & Lucas Fagen. Exclusives vary in strength and scale structure: experimental evidence. Poster presented at the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. poster