
[2025]. Eszter Ronai & Lucas Fagen. Experimental evidence for variation across exclusive modifiers. Glossa 10.1.1-22. link pdf

[2024]. Lucas Fagen & Ming Xiang. Graded complementarity in the resolution of pronouns and reflexives. Proceedings of LSA 9(1). link pdf

[2023]. Lucas Fagen. Numerals are doubly bounded: evidence from exclusives and polarity. Proceedings of NELS 53. pdf

[2022]. Lucas Fagen. A scalar analysis of polarity contrasts between exclusive modifiers. Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. pdf

[2022]. Eszter Ronai & Lucas Fagen. Exclusives vary in strength and scale structure: experimental evidence. Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. pdf